Craniosacral Therapy - Advanced Therapeutics Wellness
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Craniosacral Therapy

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

This unique healing modality applies a gentle, meditative contact with light pressure to interrupt the fight or flight cycle and instead activate the rest and digest response of the immune system. In doing so, the self-healing mechanisms of the immune system are called into action to unwind fascial restrictions, restore tissue health and optimize natural rhythms of the body.  Performed without oil, tissue is either pushed, pulled or held in place. Traditional hand contacts are made at the cranium, spine, pelvis and sacrum; however, any part of the body may have restricted/traumatized tissue waiting to be restored. Clients often report a deep sense of relief and increased well-being after treatment. 

To prepare for treatment wear loose clothing to session, a T-shirt and shorts is fine.

Some of the conditions treated include: Headaches/Migraines, Pre/Post Pregnancy, Grinding/Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, Sacroiliac Misalignments/Sciatica, Postural Asymmetries, Eye/Vision Problems, Concussion/Whiplash, Sports Injuries, Hearing Loss/Tinnitus, Sinusitis/Ear Infections, Bell’s Palsy, Acute/Chronic Neuropathies, Fibromyalgia, Depression and Digestive Disorders.

Massage + Craniosacral Therapy

As the title suggests, this treatment combines the best of two worlds; namely the gentle, meditative touch of Craniosacral Therapy with the deep pressure of a Swedish massage. Intended as an introduction to Craniosacral Therapy, the massage is tailored to the needs of the client who can expect to experience a deep sense of relief and increased well-being.

Our therapist, Salvatore Spatafora, RMT, CST offers deep tissue massage, Craniosacral therapy and a mix of the two in Massage + Cranio sessions. To learn more about Salvatore and his treatment method check out this podcast “The Awakeners Podcast: Episode 21, April 4th 2023 The Science of Feeling Safe: Unlocking the Power of the Vagus Nerve

Book Online or call us: 416-469-3879

What can it help with?
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Pre/Post Pregnancy
  • Grinding/Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
  • Sacroiliac Misalignments/Sciatica
  • Postural Asymmetries
  • Eye/Vision Problems
  • Concussion/Whiplash
  • Sports Injuries
  • Hearing Loss/Tinnitus
  • Sinusitis/Ear Infections
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Acute/Chronic Neuropathies
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Depression 
  • Digestive Disorders
  • and much more!
Do You Accept Insurance?

No, payment is required upon time of service. You will be given an invoice to submit to your insurance carrier.


  • Massage Therapy

    • Very Specific Massage: 30 min — $79
      Usually focuses on one area of concern. Suggested as a follow-up.
    • Specific Massage: 45 min — $105
      Often focuses on one or two areas of concern.
    • Full Body Restorative Massage: 60 min — $123.85
      Relaxing & restorative. You can still receive a partial body massage for urgent concerns, injuries/pain.
    • Full Body In-depth Massage: 75 min — $141.55
      Very restorative & relaxing massage. Effectively increases circulation/flexibility, decreases pain.
    • Full Body Deluxe Massage: 90 min — $159.25
      Extremely restorative & relaxing massage. Optimally increases circulation/flexibility, decreases pain.
    • *HST not included

    Book Online or call us: 416-469-3879.

  • Massage + Craniosacral / Craniosacral Therapy

    • Massage + Cranio 60 min — $140
    • Massage + Cranio 75 min — $155
    • Massage + Cranio 90 min — $180


    • Craniosacral 60 min — $155
    • Craniosacral 90 min — $185
    • *HST not included

    Book Online or call us: 416-469-3879.

  • Acupuncture

    • First Session 75min — $125
      Includes case history, assessment, and initial acupuncture treatment.
    • Cosmetic Acupuncture 75min — $125 +HST
      Includes case history or re-assessment, and cosmetic acupuncture treatment
    • Extended follow-up 60 min — $115
      Includes progress evaluation and acupuncture treatment for more complex follow-ups.
    • Follow-up 45 min — $100
      Includes progress evaluation and acupuncture treatment.
    • *Fees for Acupuncture are HST exempt, however, Cosmetic Acupuncture will have HST added to the cost. 

    Book Online or call us: 416-469-3879.

  • Chiropractic Care

    • New Patient Assessment – Initial treatment: 60 min — $140
      Includes case history, chiropractic assessment, report of findings, initial treatment.
    • Follow- up Treatment: 30 min —$75
      Includes evaluation, progress report, follow-up chiropractic treatment.
    • Extended Follow-up Treatment: 45 min —$100
      Additional time is provided to further investigate and treat more complex issues.
    • Reactivation Exam and Treatment: 45 min —$100
      Available if six months or longer since your last treatment. Includes extended exam to evaluate changes, a report of findings, initial chiropractic treatment.
    • Student New Patient Assessment and Treatment: 60 min —$110
      Includes case history of your health/injuries, an assessment, report of findings, initial chiropractic treatment. You could qualify if participating in some form of studies.
    • Student Follow-up Treatment: 30 min — $55
      Includes an evaluation, progress report, follow-up chiropractic treatment. You could qualify if participating in some form of studies.
    • *Fees are HST exempt.

    Book Online or call us: 416-469-3879.

Book Online or call us: 416-469-3879.

Our Cancellation, Missed Appointment, and Rescheduling Policy: As a courtesy to other clients and our therapists, 24 hours’ notice is required for all cancellations and schedule changes. This helps to ensure that clients who require an appointment are able to access one. If notice isn’t given at least 24 prior to the treatment a $55 charge may apply. Thank you for your understanding.